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Ethos Offerings

Here at Ethos, we have bundled many of our classes and offerings together in order to create packages that fit the various needs of our students while providing them with significant cost savings over a la carte pricing. We also offer family and multi-student discounts to our members. 

Ethos Offerings

Student Levels

Many classes are grouped by level. Student levels are divided by age, grade, and accomplishment. Levels determine class enrollment and certain fees for events. The levels are generally divided as follows:

Student Levels

Ages 0-6


Preschool - Kinder


General Music
Pre-RCM / Prep

Level 1

Ages 6-10


Grades 1st to 4th


Primary and Elementary
RCM 1-4

Level 2

Ages 10-14


Grades 5th to 8th



and Preparatory
RCM 4-7

Level 3

Ages 14+


Grades 9th+


Advanced and Artist

Summer Camps


During the months of June, July, and August, Ethos offers a variety of Festivals and Day Camps for young musicians. These events usually last 3-5 days and are held either in the morning or afternoon. 


Chamber Music Camp: (July 2024, dates TBA)

Registration opens January 2024


Our annual Chamber Music Camp is for students who wish to gain experience playing in small ensembles such as trios, quartets, and quintets. Pre-formed ensembles are welcome to register as a group! If you are registering as an individual, you will be placed in an ensemble and the music will be selected for you. 


Students can expect group instruction which will focus on the importance of balance and other small ensemble skills. Following the group instruction, students will break out into their assigned ensembles for practice and coaching.


  • Age/Skill: Intermediate to advanced players (assessments available)

  • Instruments: Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano





Soloist Adventure Camp (July 2024, dates TBA)

Registration opens January 2024


Soloist Adventure Camp combines art, literature, and technique to create the fullest and most convincing performance. Every day, each student will analyze their pieces and create stories, art, and poems to help them understand phrasing, emotions and characters. Please come prepared with two performance ready pieces to analyze during the week and be prepared to perform every day!


Day 1: Story telling techniques
Day 2: Create and tell your narrative
Day 3: Visual images transferred to art
Day 4: Narrative prose to poetic prose
Day 5: Full presentation and performance


  • Ages: 5-10 years old or grades 1-5

  • Instruments: All instruments (winds and brass included)



  • Ages: 11-18 years old or grades 7-12

  • Instruments: All instruments (winds and brass included)





Conservatory Programs


In order to meet the various individual needs of our students, The Ethos Conservatory is divided into five programs: Conservatory A, B, C, and D. Classes may be purchased individually or they may be bundled as part of a program.

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Conservatory D 


This program is designed for students who wish to take periodic private lessons but who cannot fulfill a 40 lesson/20 hour minimum. Students can purchase lessons individually at the standard rate or in packs of five with a 5% discount. All lessons expire in the quarter in which they are purchased.

• Register Here •


Conservatory C


This program is designed for students who want formidable training through weekly instruction. To qualify for this program, students must receive at least 40 lessons and 20 hours of instruction per year. Students in this program will receive:


  • Discounted quarterly lesson rates when purchased in 10+ packs.

  • Free enrollment monthly studio classes.

  • Free enrollment monthly RCM Prep classes.

  • Free semi-annual studio recitals including accompanists.

  • One artist coaching per year.

  • One professional assessment per year.

  • 10% discount on all Ethos merchandise, group classes, ensembles, and performances.

• Register Here •


Conservatory B


This program is for students who want a well-rounded music education, but are not prepared for the rigors of the Conservatory A program. Students in this program must receive a minimum number of private instruction hours per year: 20 hours for LVL1, 30 hours for LVL2, and 40 hours for LVL3. Students in this program are expected to pass RCM exams and will receive:


  • All the benefits of Conservatory C plus:

  • One free Ethos Honors Recital per year (Must qualify).

  • Two artist coachings per year.

  • Up to two professional assessment per year.

  • Enrollment in SmartStart, MusiCore, or Suzuki Class included.

  • 15% discount on all Ethos, merchandise, group classes, ensembles, and performances.

Register Here •


Conservatory A


This program is by invitation only and scholarships are available for qualifying students. Students must take at least 40 lessons with 40 hours of total instruction per year; and have near perfect attendance at all lessons and classes:


  • All of the benefits of Conservatory B plus:

  • Enrollment in Performance Artistry.

  • Tickets to all concerts sponsored at Ethos.

  • Quarterly coachings with artist faculty.

  • Assessments as needed

  • Invitations to perform in master classes.

  • Participation in all Ethos Honors Recitals.

  • 20% discount on all Ethos, merchandise, group classes, ensembles, and performances.

Register Here •




Ethos offers two program scholarships. Discounts are credited to the listed program type:

  • Conservatory Scholar B ($400/year value) is earned by achieving a 90 or better result on an RCM exam. Exams must be taken annually in order to qualify for this scholarship each year.

  • Scholar A (up to $800/year value) is earned by qualifying for an Ethos Diploma with a magna cum laude or better rating on the AAA solo recital.

  • For more information about the Ethos scholarships, please contact the school director.

• Register Here •




For pricing details on our conservatory programs, contact us

Private Lessons



Assessments & Coachings


Ethos students have the ability to schedule lessons and assessments with master teachers on our faculty. Every student, regardless of program, will receive an annual assessment as part of their program. FEES: Vary according to the teacher.​



Private Lessons

(All levels)


Private lessons provide essential training on instrument specific techniques and repertoire. Subjects like conducting, theory, composition, and chamber music can be taught to small groups of 2 to 4. Programs A-C require 40 lessons per year (10/qtr). Private lesson tuition IS NOT included in the conservatory program fee. Students enrolled in programs A-C have access to discounted lessons by purchasing 10-Packs. FEES: Vary according to teacher, experience, and availability.


• Register Here •

Conservatory Programs
Private Lessons

Group Classes

Group Classes

Ethos Junior Chamber Players

Levels 2-3; Semimonthly.

  • Fall Semester: August - December (registration open)

  • Spring Semester: January - May (registration opens in November)


In this class, students will be split into duets, trios, or quartets, and a coach will be assigned to each group. These groups will learn how to work together in an ensemble, plan their own rehearsals, and provide both critique and support for their fellow musicians. Starting in September, groups will meet twice a month – once with their coach and once on their own to rehearse. We will have our final concert in November.




Levels 1-3; Weekly; $300/semester or included in Conservatory Programs A & B.


This class is recommended for any student taking the RCM exam as it prepares students for both the theory and the practical exams. 

• Register Here •


Music Story Time

Level Preschool; 10 Classes; Weekly, $200/quarter or $100 when combined with Music Together or for siblings.


This 30 minute class explores the story of music and how it has developed. Through narration, arts & crafts, and performances, students get to discover the people and events that have shaped our lives through music.

• Register Here •


Performance Artistry

Levels 1-3; Monthly; $150/quarter; Included in Conservatory Program A.


This class focuses on the physical, mental, and emotional challenges of effective performance. In this class, students delve into the highest levels of performance artistry through in-depth psychological training and use of narration and characterization.

• Register Here •



Level 3; Weekly; $500/semester.


This specialized composition class is offered to students who have met certain prerequisites in Theory and Performance. During this class, students compose original pieces for the class ensemble and rehearse the pieces together. At the end of each semester there is a Practicum concert.

Register Here


Professional Development Class

Contact us for more information.


These classes are organized for groups of professionals and are geared to cover a specific topic of interest or need.

• Register Here


RCM Prep

Monthly, 9 times a year, $250/year; or included in Conservatory Programs A-C.


In these classes students review RCM theory and ear training to prepare them for the practical and theory exams offered through RCM. 

Register Here •


RCM Smart Start

Weekly by semester (Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays), $300/semester, $500/year, or included in programs A&B (materials included). 


Royal Conservatory of Music’s newly launched program for early childhood development classes. Classes for children ages 0-3 launch this year. Classes for 4-6 launch in the Fall of 2024. This 45 minute class immerses everyone in music through interactive singing, dancing, and games.

• Register Here


Studio Class

Monthly, 10 times a year, $200/year or included in Conservatory Programs A-C; Individual classes may be purchased at $25/class.


This group class focuses on learning musical principles and performance techniques. Accompanists attend every class.

• Register Here


Suzuki Group Class

Bi-Weekly Saturdays, $300/semester, $500/year, or included in programs A & B.


This group class focuses on learning the Suzuki repertoire and techniques for all string students enrolled in that program. First class of the Fall 2024 semester meets on August 24th at 9:00 AM.

• Register Here •


RCM Prep
Studio Class
Smart Start
Suzuki Grou Class
Ethos Junior Chamber Players




Chamber Concerts

Schedule varies;  $25/ticket,
Free to Conservatory A program.


Throughout the year, Ethos hosts concerts by artist faculty and guests. Students are encouraged to attend as many as possible.



Ethos Honors Recitals

Once per semester;  $50 fee,
(waived if included in a program).


Twice a year, Ethos sponsors an honors recital. Performers must be referred by their private teacher and must pass an audition. After auditioning, performers receive two performance artistry classes and the recitals are professionally recorded.



Ethos Studio Recitals

Once per semester; (Included in all programs).


Ethos sponsors studio recitals. Students may register for these recitals without an audition with teacher approval.



Faculty Concerts

Once per semester;  Free,
(donations accepted).


Once a semester, the Ethos faculty put on a concert for the students. These are exciting events where the students get to hear their teachers perform the RCM literature at a professional level.


Master Class

Once per semester;  Free,
(donations accepted).


Students will be selected to perform in a master class presented by members of the artist faculty or by visiting guests. These classes are open to all Conservatory supporters and students by rsvp.



Music Appreciation

Once per semester; 
Free to the public with RSVP,
Priority access to Conservatory program members and their families.


Ethos faculty members will present a music appreciation course. This class may entail performances and lectures about a variety of topics. These classes are open to the public although RSVP is required.



Parent Class

Once per semester; Free.


Once a semester, Ethos offers a parent class where members of the Ethos faculty present recent findings in music pedagogy as well as facilitating a discussion on best practices for supporting and encouraging students.



• Contact Us for More Information •

Special Services


Teacher & Student Affiliate


At Ethos, students can join our programs without being enrolled in private lessons with one of our teachers. Affiliated students can enroll in our programs to take advantage of our group classes, recitals, assessments, artist coachings, studio classes, RCM prep/exams, and more. Additionally, teachers can affiliate their entire studios and take advantage of our facilities for private recitals, studio classes, accompanists, etc. Please contact us for more information.




Ethos offers professional accompanying services and encourages students to take advantage of this service for public school events like the state solo/ensemble competition and region competition. Conservatory program members receive special discounts. Contact us for rates.



Ethos Chamber Players


Ethos maintains a roster of excellent performers and artists. We often host concerts throughout the year to which conservatory members can purchase tickets at reduced rates. Ethos also provides professional live music for social, business, and special events like birthday parties, weddings, receptions, etc



Hall Rentals


The Ethos mainstage and hall can be rented out for special events such as birthday parties, concerts, corporate events, and recitals.


Recording Services


Ethos can create high quality videos for auditions, websites, personal use, etc. Recording can be added to events hosted at Ethos as well. All Ethos recitals are recorded, and if not included in the program, students may purchase those recordings. 


• Contact Us for More Information •


Special Services

Ethos Partners:

  • Youtube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

© 2022 copyright Ethos School of Music

Contact us for Information about Classes, Services, and More!

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